Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kenwick Building Shoot

I went and shot a local skater Jesse Belrose last night at the Kenwick Building in Sarnia. I have seen the feature before, but I never thought to shoot it, until I came up with an idea to shoot it fisheye from the bottom of the set. I also didn't know if Jesse would be down to try this again just because he has been hurt a few times on it.

It was an akward spot to light up, the lighting underneath the building was real orange so I had to mess around with my white balance quite a bit just to see what one looked the best. also i changed the lighting with my flashes quite a bit of times before the end result just by moving them around through trial and error, but I had a good idea of where to put them already just knowing what it looked like before i went.

He tried this a few times, the first few times he went he just plain ollied over the rail, which was still incredible in a photo. He hadnt stomped it yet and everyone was ready to leave, and he just asked them to stay for one more try at it. He then went and did a melon grab over it and stomped it and rode away clean. The end result is really good considering it was my only shot at the melon grab.

You can view this photo on my site at


Monday, February 15, 2010

Old Film Roll

I found an old film roll from back in september/october that I never got around to developing until yesterday. It's amazing what type of photos you can find on old rolls. I'm going to start shooting more film just because if you capture a great photo it means more because unlike digital, you dont get to take a shot, look at your mistakes, and then re-shoot it, you have to be confident that you know the settings are correct.

I havent been to impressed with Wal-Marts quality, but it is fast. The next time I get it done im probably going to get it done at Carmans or Stan C. Reade. I hear the quality is alot better, i'm also looking into getting a medium format film camera sometime hopefully by summer. Keep checking my site for updated shots.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mooretown Flags Game

Went down to Mooretown on Saturday night to shoot some photos for a few friends on the Flags team. I always have issues when shooting hockey because of the lense I have. For these shots I used a 55-200mm f/4-5.6 zoom lense, which is maybe worth $150 in this day and age. I would really like to pick up a 70-200mm f/2.8 lense, but they cost around $2000 dollars, so these photos are ok for how cheap my lense is.

Here are some photos from the game, more can be viewed on my site http://www.joelpilotte.com/

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

Photos of Eli Taylor

Welcome to my new blog. I've seen a few people with blogs and I thought i'd give one a try. This is where I'll be posting everything that I've been up to as far as photos go, or just life in general. I hope if you visit once you will want to come back. I'll be posting photos from different shoots etc and I have quite a bit coming up, I'll try and post them in my "upcoming shoots" column. Thanks Everyone!
